Hakkında C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Temel Özellikleri

Bu işlem yetişekın elan yavaş çkızılışmasına ve tipin objeye dönüşmesinden dolayı bellekte elan bir tomar mevzi tutmasına saik olur. Nedeniyle ne denli azca boxing eşittir o kadar vergili yetişek.

This class makes the underlying collection available through the InnerList property, which is intended for use only by classes that are derived directly from ReadOnlyCollectionBase. The derived class must ensure that its own users cannot modify the underlying collection.

Safi 4.5, you may want to try the new read-only collection interfaces. You'll still want to wrap the returned collection in a ReadOnlyCollection if you're paranoid, but now you're derece tied to a specific implementation.

The How to Fix Violations suggest i clone the object (which i don't want to do) or 'Replace the array with a strongly typed collection that cannot be changed'. I clicked the link and see 'ArrayList' and adding each element one by one and it doesn't look like you kişi prevent something adding more.

Summary. The ReadOnlyCollection functions bey a wrapper for any collection that implements IList. It adds a level of indirection that reduces possible changes.

Average(IEnumerable, Func) Computes the average of a sequence of Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Kullanımı element of the input sequence.

What's the best way to pass around lists of values without lots of code clutter (such bey explicit type parameters) but that still communicates intent clearly?

It depends on how much you trust the calling code. If you're in complete control over everything that will ever call C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nedir this member and you guarantee

Finally, the code C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nedir example creates an array larger than the collection and uses the CopyTo method to insert the elements of the collection into the middle of the array.

Key C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Kullanımı değerine için bile bir indeksleyici çitndırır. Bu arayüzlü koleksiyonların seçilme sebebi indeks bileğerlerinin çakılı kalma isteğidir. Bir muta silindiğinde arkasındaki verilerin indeks bileğerleri mıhlı sözır.

One possibility is to implement your own thread-safe variant of the ReadOnlyCollection to allow locked access, though this will be non-trivial and non-performant if you want to support IEnumerable, and it still

This implementation does derece provide a synchronized (thread safe) wrapper for a ReadOnlyCollectionBase, but derived classes birey create their own synchronized versions of the ReadOnlyCollectionBase using the SyncRoot property.

Eamon NerbonneEamon Nerbonne 47.7k2020 gold badges102102 silver badges169169 bronze badges 1 So, I've actually got an open source library which includes an IArray interface that I believe is ideal for precisely this purpose. See my updated answer for a bit more info.

Chances C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Kullanımı are, you'll never notice this difference, but if this is a hot-peşin in your code and requires every last bit of performance you güç squeeze out of it, why derece use an Array instead? That would be faster still.

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